Mosquito Memory: The Next Challenge in Repelling Mosquitoes

Mosquito memory is something that most people think these insects do not have. Some people think that mosquitoes actually remember them. Well, research says that they are actually right. This is a new challenge to repelling mosquitoes. It would seem like a silly idea, but it is true. How Mosquito Memory Is Possible Scientists were … Read more

Spring Mosquitoes: Mosquito Population Explosion as Warm Weather Starts

Rising temperatures give way to spring mosquitoes. The blooming plants, melting snow, and rising bodies of water wake many insects up after their long winter sleep. Mosquitoes will often join the swarms of insects. Spring mosquitoes will want to feed and reproduce over the next weeks. Mosquitoes can wake up when the temperatures elevate to … Read more

High-Risk Mosquito Bites: Dengue Is on the Move Again

Dengue comes from high-risk mosquito bites. This disease can spread quickly. Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the vectors of dengue and other ailments like Zika and chikungunya. The spread of this disease depends on environmental, climate, and social factors. Below are some of the important facts about dengue as it affects many areas again. What … Read more

Deadly Mosquitoes: Japanese Encephalitis Affecting More People

The presence of deadly mosquitoes in Australia has brought about Japanese encephalitis. This is a mosquito-borne disease that has resulted in death. South Australia has now eight active cases of the disease. Two cases are still under investigation. The Disease Japanese encephalitis is a disease transmitted by deadly mosquitoes to people. Encephalitis can cause lasting … Read more

Debilitating Mosquitoes: Filariasis Vectors Affecting the World

Some of the debilitating mosquitoes can cause harmful diseases that cause long-term disability. One of the most common diseases that can cause such consequences is filariasis. Many people often neglect this disease. Filariasis manifests through the swelling of breasts, genitals, and limbs. Research on how to end this disease is still ongoing. Contracting the disease … Read more

Deadly Mosquitoes: Mosquito-Borne Viruses Are Killing Again

The attack of the deadly mosquitoes is starting again. SA (South Australia) has recently issued a health warning over a possible fatal mosquito virus. The Department for Health and Wellbeing informed the community to avoid any mosquito exposure. Seven cases of encephalitis have been identified in SA at least a month ago. Acute Encephalitis This … Read more

Smarter Mosquitoes: These Insects Are Learning to Avoid Pesticides

There are smarter mosquitoes around us now. Research shows that this is keeping them and the diseases they are carrying difficult to keep away. The female mosquitoes are learning how to avoid pesticides after just one exposure in which they survived. The smarter mosquitoes who have been exposed before avoided passing the barrier, which was … Read more

Mosquito Smells You and Activates Special Vision

It is a given that a mosquito is attracted to warm-blooded animals. But how does it happen? For the longest time, we just know that mosquitoes bite, but we do not really know how it happens. Why do we need to put on unique-smelling repellents? How do these products work? Below is some information about … Read more

Repellents: Are Catnip, Bug Zappers, and Mosquito Coils Effective?

Mosquito repellents are everywhere. Have you ever thought if catnip, bug zappers, and mosquito coils are really effective? For decades, these repellent products have helped many households and campsites avoid mosquito bites. Having them in stock has helped you but to what extent? Knowing more about them can tell you how they work against these … Read more

Repellent Herbs: What to Burn to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Using repellent herbs to ward off mosquitoes is a way to keep bites away. Staying outside is more fun if you do not have mosquitoes coming after you all the time. It is okay to have candles, torches, and sprays, but what if you do not want to use them? Repellent plants are alright as … Read more

Mosquito Repellents: The Most Effective and Latest Formulations

Repellents are chemical compounds capable of helping humans and animals avoid mosquito bites. Those who spend so much time in areas with a large mosquito population. These products are available in the form of sticks, aerosols, liquids, creams, and pump sprays. These repellents have active ingredients like N-Diethyl-3-Methylbenzamide or DEET, diethyl phthalate, oil of lemon-eucalyptus, … Read more

Canine Protection Against Mosquito Bites for Your Dog’s Health and Safety

Proper canine protection does not only involve shielding your dogs from fleas, ticks, bacteria, or viruses. It also includes protecting your dogs from mosquitoes. Giving your dog the proper shield against mosquitoes can reduce your worries about your pet’s discomfort and illness. You can bring in candles, incense, and organic sprays. Giving a healthy mosquito … Read more

GM Mosquitoes Being Released: A Hands-On Way to Stop the Bites

A release of GM mosquitoes will happen in the Florida Keys again. These are Aedes aegypti genetically-modified mosquitoes. It is another milestone in the United States. The aim of this experiment is to have bioengineered pest control. Starting the Experiment The release of these GM mosquitoes started last April 2021. The Oxitec workers, together with … Read more

Ninja Mosquitoes and How to Repel Them on New Year’s Eve

Mosquitoes have been attacking the Central Valley of California lately. The residents are hoping to have a little increase in property taxes. This could help them have a break from invasive mosquito species. The Aedes species of mosquitoes are invasive, aggressive biters during the day. They can get you indoors or outdoors. They want to … Read more

Holiday Bug Control During Your Backyard New Year’s Eve Party

The holiday theme is in the air. New Year’s eve is just around the corner. There is no reason to dismiss the fact that you have invited a small group of friends over for a backyard celebration. Everything’s ready. The only thing you should get more prepared for is the possible mosquito invasion that night. … Read more

Holiday Bug Bites Are a No-No When You Have a Fresh Tree

Bug bites are the last thing you need during the holidays. But this is the price of having a fresh Christmas tree. Through the years of its life, your Christmas tree may have been home to many insects. They could be joining your Christmas celebrations the moment they entered your home. Knowing what you can … Read more

Repelling Mosquitoes While Gardening

Mosquitoes are everywhere. They can enter your home or stay outside. If you love gardening, you can stay among your plants for hours. This can be challenging if there are mosquitoes everywhere. There’s no problem with the male skeeters. They just feed on your flowers. It’s the female mosquitoes you should be worried about. Working … Read more

Mosquito Bite Complication: Skeeter Syndrome

Mosquito bite allergy is also called a skeeter syndrome. Almost everyone has a reaction to mosquito bites. For people with severe allergic reactions, the symptoms of a simple bite can become serious health issues. Female mosquitoes are common culprits for this syndrome since the male mosquitoes only feed on water and plant nectar. They need … Read more

Mosquito Bites: Treating Them in Babies to Make Your Baby Healthy

Mosquito bites are common. Since mosquitoes are everywhere,  everyone is a possible victim of their bites. These insects are everywhere. They can also penetrate homes and bite children and babies. It is heartbreaking to hear your baby cry. It is even more disheartening knowing their bite was caused by a mosquito. Below are some things … Read more

Mosquito Bites: Preventing Them and Stopping Kids from Scratching Them

Mosquito bites are irritating. They swell up and become itchy. The instant reaction is to scratch. Kids always want to scratch a mosquito bite. Making them stop means relieving the bite’s itchiness. The female mosquito is the one that bites to nourish her eggs. During the biting process, the mosquito leaves its saliva into the … Read more

Blowflies: Keeping These Huge Flies Away From Your Living Space This Fall

Blowflies love to feed on the dead carcasses of small animals. These are medium to large flies with a metallic glare. They come in yellow, blue, and green. The mentioned flies can reproduce in manure if they cannot find a dead small animal for laying their eggs. These flies can detect dead animals right away. … Read more

Malaria: Preventing Bites During Travel

Many people are afflicted by malaria. This is a disease caused by the parasite from a mosquito bite. The female mosquitoes spread this parasite by having a blood meal from humans. The  malarial organism then completes its development in the human host’s body. Since the travel protocols are now starting to loosen up, people are … Read more

Gnats: FAQs in Repelling These Tiny Insects in the Fall

Gnats are swarming insects. They annoy residents and even pets. These insects are often in the garden, but they can enter the house through holes, cracks, doors, or windows. Gnats like to be in and around rotten fruits, trash cans, and other moist, decomposing matter. Why do gnats enter your home? Gnats like musty and … Read more

Mosquitoes: Keeping These Vectors Off Your Skin During the Cold Months

Some think mosquitoes are only active in the summer. These insects are versatile. Summer may be over, but this doesn’t mean the biting will stop. It is a myth that mosquitoes die when the temperature goes down. During the colder months, these insects survive. Most species lay their eggs in as little water they could … Read more