Cluster Flies: FAQs About Understanding, Preventing, and Removing Them During Autumn

Cluster flies are also called attic flies or glass flies. They look like house flies and are often mistaken for them. These flies go indoors when it gets cold outside. These flies head toward the highest areas of the house and hide there. When the sun shines, the house warms up. These flies then cluster … Read more

Dengue: Repelling the Mosquitoes That Cause Dengue

A disease, such as dengue, can be fatal. Some areas have the right conditions for this virus to proliferate. There are still no vaccines to protect adults or travelers against dengue. Dengvaxia is only for nine to 16 year-olds. The most ideal way to protect yourself and your loved ones is to repel Aedes mosquitoes. … Read more

Cockroaches: Keeping These Creepy Crawlies Out of Your Home

Cockroaches are simply the stuff of nightmares for most people. They tend to be wherever humans and food are. These insects consume anything from decomposing animals to feces. They even eat their own kind. Roaches are also effective carriers of diseases. They are difficult to kill and have been known to have lived with the … Read more

Stink bugs: How to Get Rid of These Smelly Culprits

When autumn comes, stink bugs start to arrive. These are common bugs found all over the United States. They often stay in gardens, but wander into homes on occasion. Their name is because of their defense. They release a lingering odor to ward off predators. You may have an issue with these bugs during the … Read more

Spiders: Preventing Spiders From Entering Your Home as Summer Ends

Spiders are creepy arthropods. Most of them mind their own business. They do their best to hunt and proliferate their species. Arachnids do not attack unless provoked or unless they need to do so for their survival. It is difficult to perceive spiders as allies of Mother Nature. The only way to avoid getting in … Read more

Sandflies: Repelling Them for a Great Day at the Beach

Sandflies are also known as biting midges, sand gnats, and sand fleas. Others call them no-see-ums, Chitra, Marumakshika, punkies, and grass nippers. These flies are smaller than regular flies. They can pass through standard screens. Sandflies are everywhere, but their favorite place is the sandy areas. This summer, sandy beaches are packed. You will find … Read more

Zika: Ways of Protecting Yourself from Zika

Protecting yourself from Zika is equal to protecting others from the virus as well. This disease is transmitted via mosquito bites. It can also be transmitted through sex, blood transfusion, and pregnancy (from mother to fetus). It does not matter whether you are out or just staying in for the summer. Making sure you are … Read more

Drain Flies: Preventing Them From Staying in and Around Your Drains

Drain flies are also called sink flies or moth flies. They are almost the same size as fruit flies and gnats. You can distinguish them by their moth-like wings and round furry body. These flies vary in color from gray to black. They look like moths, but they cannot fly long distances. They hop from … Read more

Mosquitoes: Ways to Repel These Small, Winged Vampires

Mosquitoes are attracted by the smell of blood. Summer heat activates odor. There is nothing worse than going to the beach or attending a picnic with mosquitoes biting and buzzing around. Avoiding mosquito bites is important. It prevents you from getting mosquito-borne ailments like malaria, dengue, and Zika. Learning how to protect yourself and your … Read more

Gnats: Effective Ways of Repelling These Tiny Insects

Many gardeners treat gnats as constant pests in the garden. Black flies are long-legged insects attracted by organic materials and moisture. There are many species of black flies. Some like the soil of houseplants. Others want to be in the garbage disposals or over-ripe fruits. Wetness indoors can attract them. Once inside your home, gnats … Read more

Hairy Caterpillars: How to Repel Them and Avoid Skin Rashes

Hairy caterpillars become winged insects upon maturity. Beautiful butterflies and moths must go through a larval or caterpillar stage. Some species go through a hairy caterpillar stage. This can be damaging to plants and irritating to human skin. Keeping these creepy crawlies away from your premises will be healthy for your plants, pets, and your … Read more

Fruit Flies: Dealing with These Tiny Insects in the Summer

Although fruit flies are small and almost unnoticeable, they can be annoying and destructive to your fruits and in the kitchen. Insects, in general, are not allowed in the house. When you shoo them, they go away and then come back. It may seem difficult to make these tiny flies go away, but it is … Read more

Flies: Repelling Them at Home for Health and Safety

Flies are annoying. House flies are always around. Wherever there are people, there will always be insects. These winged creatures incubate their eggs on garbage, decomposing organic material, and animal feces. They multiply quickly. That is why they are all around you, especially when there are attractive scents near you or on you. Sweet smells … Read more

Repelling Ticks at the Hiking Trail

Ticks are more active in the summer, yet you can prevent them from ruining the season for you. Summer is the time for engaging in outdoor activities and necessary protection against ticks. Hiking is a popular activity you can do daily. If you are a pet lover, you can do this with your dog. Enjoying … Read more

Protection from Bugs During a Picnic

Bugs are the primary intruders in every picnic. Failing to anticipate and prepare for the appearance of insects at the picnic site will result in bites and annoyance. You can prevent the frustration and annoyance brought about by ants, flies, bees, or even mosquitoes. This is possible with some prudent preparations aside from making delicious … Read more

Maywood Creek Essentials Best Organic Bug Repellent Spray

FEATURES Biting insects are not only annoying. They are also dangerous. Biting insects transmit many deadly diseases such as dengue, yellow fever, and leishmaniasis. Warding them off is the best defense anyone can have. Maywood Creek Essentials Best Organic Bug Repellent Spray is a long lasting organic repellent against all biting insects such as mosquitoes, ... Read more

St. Bath’s Natural Insect Repellent with Lemon Eucalyptus

FEATURES Have you ever heard of lemon eucalyptus? It is a very helpful plant in the battle against mosquitoes and other biting insects. It is no secret that there is a growing public scare of diseases brought about by biting insects. Add to this the worry about synthetic or even toxic repellents in the market. ... Read more

Balm! Baby Shue Bug! Natural Organic Bug Repellent Spray

FEATURES It is vital to protect ourselves from biting insects. They are not only irritating, but they also bring diseases, such as malaria and Zika. Balm! Baby Shue Bug! Natural Organic Bug Repellent Spray is a nice smelling solution to biting insects. This repellent is vegan, glute-free and nut-free. This natural and organic repellent even ... Read more

Hank’s Garden Bug Away! All Natural Aromatherapy Bug Repellent Lotion

FEATURES Every responsible consumer wants to use eco-friendly products that are safe to use. If you and your family are always bothered by biting bugs such as ticks, chiggers, flies, gnats, fleas, and mosquitoes, then Hank’s Garden Bug Away! All Natural Aromatherapy Bug Repellent Lotion is the repellent for you. It is a biodegradable, aromatherapy ... Read more

Insect Armour Creekside All Natural Insect Repellent

FEATURES Do you have kids in the house? Then you must be extra diligent in making sure that they are not preyed upon by any of the known biting insects. Consider Insect Armour Creekside 100% Natural Safe for Children Insect Repellent. It is safe to use on children, so you can be sure that your ... Read more

Wizarding Apothecary and Maison Terre Boggart Blaster, All-Natural Insect Repellent for Wizards & Muggles

FEATURES Are you a fan of Harry Potter and everything about their magic world? Then you must know about the magical potion that can eliminate boggarts, which may very well shapeshift into a biting insect. It is not a secret that biting insects, or disguised boggarts in the magical world, can attack both wizards and ... Read more

Homs LLC Xtreme Sportsman Bite Blocker Organic Insect Repellent Spray

FEATURES Are you a lover of the outdoors? Do you plan on spending days and nights on the beach this summer? Is fishing or boating part of our itinerary on your summer vacation months? If you answer yes, then you need Xtreme Sportsman Bite Blocker by HOMS LLC. It is a waterproof organic insect repellent, ... Read more

Bug Protector All Natural Insect Repellent Spray

FEATURES We can never escape biting bugs because they have us on their prey list. Ticks, gnats, fleas, and mosquitoes love to live with humans and animals. If you are constantly bothered by them, it is time to repel them. Bug Protector All Natural Insect Repellent Spray is safe to use on pregnant women and ... Read more

Bug Shield Lemon Eucalyptus, All Natural Insect Repellent

FEATURES Bugs can help with pollination and the propagation of plants. Yet, those that bite can cause irritation and even detrimental diseases. To put a stop to the anxiety, especially when you go out and enjoy Mother Nature. Bug Shield Lemon Eucalyptus, All Natural Insect Repellent is an all-natural insect repellent that can be the ... Read more