Spatial Repellents: Bringing the Mosquito Fight to the Air

Spatial repellents can keep you from using insecticides, which are often hazardous to your household’s health. Studies show that these repellents can change a mosquito’s behavior. The mosquitoes need to mingle with the chemicals dispersed in the air within the treated area. What Spatial Repellents Are These are repellents that are volatile. They prevent biting … Read more

Mosquitoes: Ways to Repel These Small, Winged Vampires

Mosquitoes are attracted by the smell of blood. Summer heat activates odor. There is nothing worse than going to the beach or attending a picnic with mosquitoes biting and buzzing around. Avoiding mosquito bites is important. It prevents you from getting mosquito-borne ailments like malaria, dengue, and Zika. Learning how to protect yourself and your … Read more