Bugs are the primary intruders in every picnic. Failing to anticipate and prepare for the appearance of insects at the picnic site will result in bites and annoyance. You can prevent the frustration and annoyance brought about by ants, flies, bees, or even mosquitoes. This is possible with some prudent preparations aside from making delicious food. Below are some of the things you can do.

Ready the Citrus
Acidic smells are not pleasant for many bugs. You can elevate the citrus smell in your picnic area by always peeling and eating oranges or tangerines. Leave the peels at the edges of your picnic blanket. You can also purchase a citrus essential oil spray. Spraying the edges of your picnic blanket can help ward off insects. Lighting citrus candles around your picnic area can also protect your picnic..
Take Time to Pick the Right Picnic Spot
Arriving early at the picnic spot is a great way to choose a good spot. As much as possible, stay away from wet or soggy grass. Also, keep away from places near bodies of water. Bugs, such as mosquitoes, stay in those areas. If the plan is to have a picnic by a river or lake, keep the site as far away from the water as possible.
Keeping an eye out for any roaming bees or trail of ants near your picnic area. Pick a spot that is clear and breezy. Bugs tend to keep away from windy areas. Remember that some insects are active in the evening and inactive in the morning.

Have Smoke Defenses
Bugs do not like smoke. If you do not mind having smoke around your picnic area, it would be a great idea to set up tiki torches or a safe bonfire by your picnic blanket. Lighting incense around you can also help ward off different bugs. Sandalwood seems to be an effective scent.
Always Cover Your Food
The best part of picnics is the variety of foods that you can share with your loved ones. Since you are outdoors, you will have insects smelling those delicious aromas. If your food containers are still in a shed or your car, you should keep them in there until you are ready to eat. Serving food early on the blanket or table will attract different insects.

Bring Food Tents
Food tents are useful in outdoor picnics or in places where insects thrive. Bringing fruits, vegetables, cakes, candies, and salads are all irresistible to bugs. It may be impossible to shoo them away if you are all having fun. With food tents, you can be sure that your food is safe while you spend some time playing sports or fishing. If you forgot to get a food tent, you can always use your fine colander and turn it upside down.

Do Not Use Bright Colors
Bright colors tell most insects where the food source is. Staying outdoors with vibrant colors around you is an invitation to all insects. Try to avoid floral patterns and eye-catching patterns on your clothes or in the picnic area. Doing so will discourage insects from checking out your picnic area.
Bring Portable Fans
These are great tools to bring to a picnic. They keep you cool and sustain a strong breeze at the same time. Portable fans keep flying insects away. Mosquitoes, flies, and bees will not come close to you or your food with a breeze fanning them away. Portable fans are available everywhere, in any size or shape. A battery-operated one will fit your outdoor needs better than a rechargeable one.

Protection against bugs during a picnic is possible. Even with such resilient creatures, you can ward them off in environmentally friendly ways. Following the mentioned tips can help make your picnic insect-free.