IR3535 VS Picaridin

Keeping mosquitoes away from your living or workplace is the best way to prevent the dreaded Zika virus. Even if Zika is already known to be sexually transmitted, its main mode of transmission is still the bite of the Aedes species of mosquito. Mosquito repellents are the best products to use in warding off the … Read more

Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus vs IR3535

If you know that you or your family and friends are at risk of acquiring the Zika virus, you should see to it that there is always a level of protection that you should consider. Zika is a scary disease that affects everyone, especially the unborn fetus. The main cause of Zika infection is the … Read more

Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus Vs Picaridin

The Zika virus, together with other insect-borne diseases, is starting to make people afraid to travel and even engage in sexual intercourse with a traveling partner. As you well know, the Zika virus has been causing deaths among unborn fetuses, who suffer from birth defects and adults, who suffer from complications. Preventing mosquito bites is … Read more

Permethrin vs IR3535

It is risky to open doors and windows or even step out in shorts if you know that the area is surrounded with Zika mosquitoes. Zika is a disease that may either manifest symptoms or not. In unborn fetuses, it usually brings about microcephaly. It is detrimental for a pregnant mother to become infected by … Read more

Permethrin vs Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus

The world is now fully aware of what Zika can do. The scare has caused many people to be more careful about their travels and their Zika prevention methods. Since the primary transmission of Zika is through mosquito bites, you should always be sure that you keep mosquitoes away from you and your loved ones. … Read more

Permethrin vs Picaridin

Zika has been a threatening disease for some time now. Its detrimental effects have been recognized in many parts of the world. The primary way to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from Zika is to prevent mosquito bites. Though it has been established that Zika can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, one bite … Read more

Protecting Yourself from Zika While at Work

Zika is causing a scare on a global scale. Everyone cannot help but think about the possible effects of this seemingly harmless virus. Initially, many people did not think much about Zika. The mild symptoms are the reason behind this. Eventually, as more and more people become infected, the Zika threat finally catches a significant … Read more

Preventing Zika While Traveling

Travel is supposed to be something you look forward to. It is an opportunity to explore and broaden horizons. It becomes taxing and worrisome when you know that you are about to enter a territory that is overwhelmed by a debilitating or deadly virus, such as Zika. Travel can be optional or necessary. If you … Read more

Safeguarding Your Home Against Zika

Fear of the Zika virus is growing as we speak. People are starting to understand why this seemingly harmless virus can devastate your health. As you know, there are still no vaccines against Zika. The only proper way to keep Zika away is to safeguard your home against the virus. Protection is through prevention. Zika … Read more

Zika can Cause Long Term Brain Damage in Adults

Zika is already named as one of the most dangerous viruses to ever affect humans with pregnant women and their unborn fetuses suffering the most. Officials just reported recently that infected mosquitoes have already transmitted Zika in another area of South Florida. There are now 10,000 Zika cases are already confirmed in the United States. Experts ... Read more

How to Make Essential Oil Organic Repellents at Home

Getting rid of biting and flying pests is a task most people in warmer climates have to deal with on a daily bases. As you know many pests carry diseases that debilitate or may even kill humans and the thought of getting bit strikes fear in many people. Let's face it, mosquitoes are all around us ... Read more

Natural Mosquito Repellents for Zika

Mosquitoes are considered pests.  They carry various kinds of diseases such as malaria and dengue. Another one is Zika. The Aedes species of mosquitoes is the day-biting mosquito that carries the Zika virus.  To help prevent the Zika mosquitoes from biting you, you need to keep them away from your living environment. Aside from eliminating … Read more

Repellents Effective Against Zika

Prevention has always been better than cure. One way to prevent any pathogen from affecting you is to repel it. One way to do so is to keep its vector from coming into contact with you. A very potent pathogen now affects many people in many areas with warm climate—the Zika virus. This type of ... Read more

How to Prevent & Protect From Zika In General

Disease control is a priority in achieving optimal health. It is said that “prevention is better than cure”. It applies for every disease. Somehow, it is very difficult to prevent disease when you go about your daily activities. Even if it is, you should take responsibility for your health and the health of your family. … Read more

Pregnant Mothers Guide to Zika Protection

Pregnancy is a delicate situation. Once conception happens, the fetus develops in the woman’s uterus until it is time for birth. Like any ailment, Zika does not choose which people to infect. An infected mosquito can alter the condition of the fetus through neurological defects such as microcephaly. If you are planning to get pregnant … Read more

Symptoms and Adverse Effects of Zika

The Zika virus is a flavivirus, which is mosquito-borne. It is related to the dengue virus. In 1947, the virus was extracted from the rhesus monkey in Uganda’s Zika forest. In the same forest, the virus was extracted from the mosquito known as Aedes africanus in 1948. In 1954, the Zika virus was detected in … Read more