Zika’s life-threatening birth defects you DIDN’T know about 

Revealed: Zika’s life-threatening birth defects you DIDN’T know about The mosquito-borne Zika virus can lead to extensive birth defects that go beyond microcephaly, a Brazilian study suggests. Researchers studied 11 babies diagnosed with Zika and found they had a range of neurological impairments including small skulls and brains. Many also had an underdeveloped cerebellum, the … Read more

Zika can Cause Long Term Brain Damage in Adults

Zika is already named as one of the most dangerous viruses to ever affect humans with pregnant women and their unborn fetuses suffering the most. Officials just reported recently that infected mosquitoes have already transmitted Zika in another area of South Florida. There are now 10,000 Zika cases are already confirmed in the United States. Experts ... Read more

EcoSMART Organic Insect Repellent Review

[toc]This DEET FREE product contains some of the best ingredients that we have come to know for naturally warding off mosquitoes and bugs. EcoSMART Organic Insect Repellent comes provides decent protection for most consumers. This product comes in a 6 oz. spray bottle which lasts a long time and includes a blend of 4 proven ... Read more

How to choose the best sunscreen and bug spray for kids

w to choose the best sunscreen and bug spray for kids By Patricia Kozicka Lifestyle and Special Projects Reporter Global News ;Before you spray your kids, there are a few things you should know.Wondering how to best protect kids from mosquitoes and the sun’s strong rays? There are some age guidelines to consider when it … Read more

Symptoms and Adverse Effects of Zika

The Zika virus is a flavivirus, which is mosquito-borne. It is related to the dengue virus. In 1947, the virus was extracted from the rhesus monkey in Uganda’s Zika forest. In the same forest, the virus was extracted from the mosquito known as Aedes africanus in 1948. In 1954, the Zika virus was detected in … Read more