Tag: travel

Preventing Zika While Traveling

Travel is supposed to be something you look forward to. It is an opportunity to explore and broaden horizons. It becomes taxing and worrisome when you know that you are about to enter a territory …

Safeguarding Your Home Against Zika

Fear of the Zika virus is growing as we speak. People are starting to understand why this seemingly harmless virus can devastate your health. As you know, there are still no vaccines against Zika. The …

Pregnant Mothers Guide to Zika Protection

Pregnancy is a delicate situation. Once conception happens, the fetus develops in the woman’s uterus until it is time for birth. Like any ailment, Zika does not choose which people to infect. An infected mosquito …

Symptoms and Adverse Effects of Zika

The Zika virus is a flavivirus, which is mosquito-borne. It is related to the dengue virus. In 1947, the virus was extracted from the rhesus monkey in Uganda’s Zika forest. In the same forest, the …