Ancient To Modern Repelling Techniques

Ancient and modern civilizations have been pestered by mosquitoes for centuries. Fighting these insects has been a constant activity. Repelling them enabled people to avoid diseases and to continue with daily activities. Until this very day, different methods of keeping mosquito bites at bay are still prevalent. The different techniques of doing so through the … Read more

Spatial Repellents: Bringing the Mosquito Fight to the Air

Spatial repellents can keep you from using insecticides, which are often hazardous to your household’s health. Studies show that these repellents can change a mosquito’s behavior. The mosquitoes need to mingle with the chemicals dispersed in the air within the treated area. What Spatial Repellents Are These are repellents that are volatile. They prevent biting … Read more

Mosquitoes: Ways to Repel These Small, Winged Vampires

Mosquitoes are attracted by the smell of blood. Summer heat activates odor. There is nothing worse than going to the beach or attending a picnic with mosquitoes biting and buzzing around. Avoiding mosquito bites is important. It prevents you from getting mosquito-borne ailments like malaria, dengue, and Zika. Learning how to protect yourself and your … Read more