Gardening in the Cold Months: How to Make Your Garden Mosquito-Free

Gardening in the cold months can be annoying if there are still mosquitoes lingering. These tiny insects can be annoying and hazardous to your health. While other mosquitoes hibernate, others stay in and around a warm home. Mosquitoes can also be present in a greenhouse. It can be annoying to work on your garden if there are skeeters whizzing about. Below are some ways to keep your garden mosquito-free while gardening in the cold months.

Mosquito feeding on a gardener
Mosquito feeding on a gardener

Check Your Surroundings

Before gardening in the fall or winter, it is good to examine your property for any standing water. Stagnant water often stays in pot saucers, outdoor play sets, disc toys, or even clogged gutters. The slightest amount of shallow water is ideal for mosquitoes to breed. Make sure that you eliminate standing water around your home or in the greenhouse. Removing standing water is also an ideal way to remove bacteria or other types of larvae, such as those of fungus gnats or black flies.

A young man cleaning the yard and setting up mosquito dunks.
A young man cleaning the yard and setting up mosquito dunks.

Use Mosquito Repelling Items While Gardening in the Cold Months

Mosquito dunks are useful when gardening during fall or winter. These floating rings can give you a month of protection. These items will not harm animals or humans. They will not even harm other insects, such as bees.  You can also set up traps for the mosquitoes by filling pails with water and placing hay in the for a few days. This will attract mosquitoes. But placing the mosquito dunks in the pails will kill their eggs and larvae.

Keep Your Yard Clean Before Gardening in the Cold Months

Gardening in the fall or winter can be difficult because mosquitoes like to hide in overgrown bushes, grass, and weeds. Keeping your yard clean can prevent these insects from hiding and reproducing. You can then keep the mosquito population low during gardening in the cold months.

Use an Outdoor Fan

An outdoor fan on high speed can reduce mosquito activity as well whenever you perform gardening in the cold months. Mosquitoes like carbon dioxide. Whenever you exhale, they come close enough to bite you. Having a fan pointed directly at you can disperse the carbon dioxide. It can even prevent mosquitoes from landing on you.

Having an outdoor fan can help
Having an outdoor fan can help

Add Mosquito Repelling Candles or Oils in Your Garden

Planting repellent plants can only do little in keeping mosquitoes away while gardening in the cold months. You can, instead, use citronella candles to provide mild or moderate mosquito protection as you work.

Wear Protective Clothing

Gardening in the cold months involves wearing more layers of clothing. This can keep you warm. At the same time, it can also protect you from mosquito bites. Long sleeves, pants, and socks can keep the biting females from making a meal out of you.

Woman gardening in the cold months with proper clothing
Woman gardening in the cold months with proper clothing

Use Mosquito Netting While Gardening in the Cold Months

Covering your garden area with protective mosquito netting can also protect you from mosquito bites while gardening in the cold months. You can treat the netting with repellents, so that the mosquitoes do not bother you.

Check Your Screens

Check the windows of your greenhouse before gardening. Make sure to repair any holes so that you can be sure to keep mosquitoes away while you work.

Use citronella oil while gardening in the cold months
Use citronella oil while gardening in the cold months

Protecting yourself from mosquito bites during gardening in the cold months can help you maintain your health as you work on your plants. You can use the mentioned tips to repel mosquitoes. Doing so can prevent you from contracting  mosquito-borne diseases. At the same time, you can help other plants pollinate. You can also help birds and other insects feed.