A mosquito-free vacation can save you and your loved ones from different types of diseases. Escaping to another place will enable you to relax and recharge with your friends or family without any hassles. Having mosquitoes around can be frustrating and discouraging. Thankfully, some places are safe and mosquito-free.

Planning Your Trip
Mosquito bites can dampen your vacation. Exploring many countries and regions that have a smaller mosquito population can help you get your mosquito-free downtime. Doing so will save you from spending most of your time stressing over scratching, swatting, and spraying mosquitoes. Only then will you achieve a true mosquito-free vacation.
Mosquitoes will always be present where blood meals are. This means that these insects will be in various habitats all over the world. That is why looking for a good mosquito-free vacation spot can be challenging.

Checking Out the States With the Smallest Mosquito Population
West Virginia has the smallest population of mosquitoes in North America. But there will be more in areas with dense foliage. You should still be careful when visiting this area.
If you want to vacation in a mosquito-free place, look for places away from bodies of water. As you know, mosquitoes like to breed in and feed around standing water. The females lay their eggs in stagnant water. They do not need an abundant amount of water at all. It is logical to go to places with drier climates. You may want to consider New Mexico and Arizona. Go there in May and June, which are the driest months of the year. But when the rains come, mosquitoes will start breeding again.
Cooler places are also good vacation spots. Wyoming, Alaska, and Vermont do not experience a large mosquito presence. There are only a fewer mosquitoes. Areas around rivers and lakes have mosquitoes in abundance. Choose early winter or autumn if you want to stay in these cold places. Doing so will keep you safe from a huge number of mosquitoes.
The Mosquito-Free Countries

Iceland and Antarctica do not have mosquitoes because of their cold climate and harsh environments. Even if bodies of water are present, the water is much too cold for females to lay their eggs. These insects love to breed and feed in arid climates. Iceland may have seasonal greenery that can support some insects. You can find comfort in the fact that Iceland cannot support mosquitoes. After a period of greenery, this country has a climate that is like Antarctica’s.

Although Antarctica offers you a mosquito-free venue, it is too harsh to be a vacation spot. Relaxing in a warm environment accompanied by some adventure, is what most people want. For this, the Caribbean British West Indies gives you Montserrat. This is one of the hottest areas in the world where you can be mosquito-free. Scientists are still not certain why this is possible in this part of the world. Monserrat is humid and warm, with bodies of water after all. They think that the constant volcanic activity in Montserrat may be a reason for mosquitoes to stay away.

Tahiti in French Polynesia is another country with fewer mosquitoes. It is a stunning place to vacation. You can relax and shut down here in its luxurious resorts and amazing beaches. The only species that Tahiti attracts is the human kind.
Artificially Mosquito-Free
Soneva Fushi in the Maldives also offers a mosquito-free vacation. It is a sustainable luxury resort with coral restoration and zero-waste programs. The resort also has a chemical-free method of pest control. It uses traps and the staff is trained to use them.

A mosquito-free vacation is a real escape. Mosquitoes can add stress to your time off. That is why finding the right place can make your vacation full of pleasant memories. Staying healthy wherever you are is important. This will prevent mosquito-borne diseases from causing havoc in your home and from reaching your community when you get back as well.