A chemical camouflage has been developed by scientists in Israel. Scientists believe that this is a more effective way to prevent mosquito bites. Summer is here. Warmer temperatures and longer evenings will bring a huge wave of mosquitoes and possibly mosquito-borne diseases. The good news is that the researchers and scientists at the Hebrew University of Israel have developed a brand-new insect repellent. It is called a chemical camouflage.

What This Repellent Is
The scientists formulated this repellent to prevent 99% of mosquitoes from landing and feeding on the skin. Applying the repellent is a mechanical protection against these insects. Then, the cellulose polymer will serve as chemical camouflage. It prevents your smell from attracting mosquitoes. It also releases the repellent gradually. This action extends the period of protection.
An ordinary topical repellent prevents mosquitoes from biting. The chemical camouflage prevents the mosquitoes from even approaching a person. This formulation has indole, a fragrance in flowers, and a cellulose polymer.
A study back in April showed that feeding on human skin, decreased by 80% when a thin coat of cellulose nanocrystals was applied. Combining indole and cellulose nanocrystals reduces egg-laying post-exposure. This happened by about 99.4%. Scientists say this is a highly effective personal protection system with long-duration and long-range effects.
Protection Against Mosquitoes
Research reveals the biomaterial cellulose nanocrystal or CNC can fight off Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. It is a repellent that is also produced sustainably and safely. It is common knowledge that mosquitoes are the deadliest of all animals and insects. They kill hundreds or even thousands of people every year. Existing repellents have limited periods and distances of effectiveness. The need for a better repellent pushed researchers to create a repellent that can will not interact with body odors but form a shield to stop mosquitoes and even reduce biting.

CNC in water did not dry on the skin’s surface. Cracks also formed because it was brittle. This prompted the scientists to combine CNC with indole and glycerol to improve the texture. Scientists derived CNC from cellulose, which is the most abundant polymer on the planet. It is also the strength building block of plants. This substance can come from wood, paper waste, and food.
Summer Protection
Summer is here. Plenty of warmth can activate odors and encourage mosquitoes to bite and feed. Their nuisance bites can also deliver dangerous mosquito-borne diseases. Even with the presence of many mosquito repellents, scientists created a chemical camouflage to hide people from mosquitoes. This product is made of natural components. It is a product that prevents your body components from attracting mosquitoes. It also prevents mosquitoes from calling others as well. This product does not kill the insects. Instead, it prevents the mosquitoes from flying toward people.

Mosquitoes will always be annoying. But summer makes them more irritating and even dangerous. Repellents can be helpful, but as they fade, the mosquitoes land on the skin. With chemical camouflage, the mosquitoes do not recognize you as a blood meal source. This product also releases the repellent slowly, which brings lasting protection.