A mosquito tends to bite selected targets. It is a common complaint among crowds. Some people end up with bites all over them while some do not. Only female mosquitoes bite but do they have specific criteria to bite? Below are some of the things that attract a female mosquito enough to bite a person:
Lactic acid
Studies show that people with high levels of lactic acid tend to attract more female mosquitoes, resulting in a worse mosquito bite situation. Another study called lactic acid the distinct smell for skeeters that humans are in the area. Exercising makes the body produce high levels of lactic acid. Showering with soap after working out and drying off completely is one way to avoid getting bit when you step out.

Carbon dioxide
Animals and plants give off carbon dioxide, along with moisture and heat. This is the result of cellular respiration. These components make a mosquito bite more likely to occur. Disease-carrying mosquitoes are more attracted by carbon dioxide. A person with greater mass gives off more carbon dioxide. This person will likely get at least one mosquito bite if there is no form of repellent.
Blood group
Studies show that the blood group has something to do with how often a mosquito bite occurs. For those with blood type O, bites are more frequent. Those with blood type A are less likely to get bit. But people with type O blood are less likely to get severe malaria than those with other blood types.
Skin bacteria
People live with bacteria. Keeping your skin healthy and clean can reduce bacterial colonies that attract a species of mosquito. The malarial mosquito is attracted to bacteria on the skin. A study showed that more bacteria on the skin make the person more attractive to mosquitoes. But another study shows that skin with more bacterial diversity on the skin can prevent a mosquito bite or two. Scientists are even advising people not to use antibacterial soaps.

Research shows that it is likely for a pregnant woman to get a mosquito bite. This is because pregnancy causes pregnant women to exhale more carbon dioxide. They are also warmer than non-pregnant women.
Body odor
Studies show that female mosquitoes are also attracted to compounds found in human sweat and human skin. A mosquito bite can happen because of the strong odor of ammonia, which is part of your body odor. Ammonia combines with lactic acid, which makes the odor stronger.
Research shows that there is an 85% variability between people when it comes to attractiveness to skeeters. This is regardless of factors, such as metabolism or blood type.

Color of clothes
Mosquito bites can also happen because of a mosquito’s ability to smell and see. Wearing red, black, or dark blue can make you stand out. Research shows that these colors make you easier to spot in the eyes of mosquitoes.
Natural repellents for better mosquito bite prevention
Experts isolate the active chemicals in natural repellents. They discovered that the substances in these repellents are not appealing to mosquitoes. These molecules can be incorporated into newer bug sprays. With these unappealing substances, pregnant women, people with type O blood, people wearing black shirts, and those who work out a lot can repel mosquitoes.

A female mosquito can bite more often because of any of the mentioned attractants. You can avoid getting a mosquito bite by protecting yourself with protective clothing and repellents. Keeping mosquitoes away from the house and choosing light-colored clothes can also help. Cleaning out the space around your home and staying in during the hours when mosquitoes are active can keep you safe.