Tag: mosquitoes

Biting mosquito

Repelling Mosquitoes While Gardening

Mosquitoes are everywhere. They can enter your home or stay outside. If you love gardening, you can stay among your plants for hours. This can be challenging if there are mosquitoes everywhere. There’s no problem …
Malaria mosquito

Malaria: Preventing Bites During Travel

Many people are afflicted by malaria. This is a disease caused by the parasite from a mosquito bite. The female mosquitoes spread this parasite by having a blood meal from humans. The  malarial organism then …
Mosquitoes can carry detrimental diseases

Mosquitoes: Repelling Them in the Fall

You may think that mosquitoes are only active in the summer, but they are not. The fall season is warm enough for them to linger around. Mosquitoes can stay around the area until most of …
Woman ready for a bug-free picnic

Protection from Bugs During a Picnic

Bugs are the primary intruders in every picnic. Failing to anticipate and prepare for the appearance of insects at the picnic site will result in bites and annoyance. You can prevent the frustration and annoyance …

DEET VS IR3535 Showdown

Why do people stress about the right insect repellent? Well, it is mainly because of the threatening insect-borne diseases that affect the human and animal populations. These diseases may be transmitted by flies, ticks, and …

Mosquitoes Can Deliver Virus Double Whammy

Mosquitoes Can Deliver Virus Double Whammy And like Zika, dengue and chikungunya can also cause neurological problems, study found WebMD News from HealthDay By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Nov. 14, 2016 (HealthDay News) — …

Permethrin vs IR3535

It is risky to open doors and windows or even step out in shorts if you know that the area is surrounded with Zika mosquitoes. Zika is a disease that may either manifest symptoms or …